My Flow Fitness

Fall in Love with Working out in Harmony with your Moon Cycle

This is the last workout program you will ever need.

This Program will help you to listen to your body's needs,
 which will lead you to experience balance in your exercise regime,
 having a blissful &  transformative impact on your body,
 as well as your mental and emotional state.  

If you are looking to get back into working out and being held accountable, then look no further.  

As women in today's world, especially ambitious women, we have learned to go through the pain, push harder through that workout, and avoid any signs
of being weak.
How does this help our body and our hormones to be loved? 

Have you been trying many diets, 
hitting the gym for many years,
 falling off the wagon?
 Feeling guilty and calling yourself lazy, 
as your body is still the same, or even heavier? 

-You don't feel happy in your own skin 
-You struggle to stay consistent with your workouts 
-You lack motivation to stay active all the time 
-You feel like you have to constantly watch what you eat 
-You find exercising such hard work 
-Every month you have days when you don't have the energy
 to push harder in your workouts 
-You might suffer from PMS or period related symptoms.


You were designed to adapt to your menstrual cycle week by week.

 It is not your fault that you didn’t know about it before.
 In the Fitness Industry they don’t talk about it.
 So many women like you were left out and turned their backs to working out.

As women, we are very intuitive by nature, so if working out felt unnatural for you,  you might have made the decision
,this is not for me’.

 But the truth is that you have an opportunity to change this
from this right moment, here and now.  

 I am opening doors for you to fall in love with working out.  

When you start shifting your perspective and align with your own menstrual cycle in combination with the right flow fitness,
you will see the results much faster by doing less. 

Just imagine for a minute, what would be possible
 for you if you would: 

-Wake up in the morning and feel grateful for the beautiful body you have
-Be in love with your own body shape every single day
-  Wake up in the morning and could not wait for your daily workout routine
- Keep yourself consistent and in the flow with your workouts 

from a place of love
- You would enjoy guilt free days and rest when your body needs it the most
- Find working out as a form of pleasure
- You would have less PMS symptoms to none- pain free
- Manage your own workout schedule for the week that makes you so happy
 - Become full of energy and motivation to love your body even more
- Love to look at your body in the mirror, celebrating the wins 

from your input for your body 


 Personally, when I was qualifying as a Personal Trainer over 10 years ago,
there was no information about adapting workouts to Women’s Cycle.

   I did learn the basic strategies that are not specifically related to one gender such as increase repetitions, reduce volume,  
adjust workout program repetitions and set variations.

 But, as I started working with my clients I knew there was something missing.  
 The information that women’s hormones are changing every week and that the workout adaptation

 could be life changing, especially for women that haven’t seen results over the years and
blamed their metabolism, bad genes, or even themselves for not trying hard enough.
 So they are now left with the feeling of failure and disappointment within their own body and their own skin.

Vast majority of fitness programs out there are based on research done solely on men. 

Women were left out of the research group, because the monthly hormonal fluctuations  

were too difficult to measure and were giving inconsistent results. 

But the truth is, for many women,

following a fitness regime designed for a male body,

can bring all sorts of hormone issues that affect a woman's cycle, immune response, and stress response including metabolic health.

 I had a wake up call,  when I started to have suspicious endometriosis flare ups 
and could not grasp why this started happening to me.
started to do my own research and found the need to slow down and to reverse all the mistakes I have made so far,  including in my fitness routine. 

In this Program you will find Workout types and intensity for each of the four phases of your personal cycle: menstrual, follicular, ovulation & luteal phases Week 1 & Week 2.

   This program is split into 5 sections, which makes it easy to follow.
You just go to the phase you are currently in and choose a suitable workout that
adapts to your own rhythm and fits in your schedule easily.

 This Program will be the last workout program you will ever need.

  Simple as that.  

Are you ready to fall in love with working out?



Track your cycle with ease, like a PRO

 PHASE 1  

Workout routine while in your Follicular and Ovulation Phase 


Workout routine while in your Luteal Phase
Week 1 & Week 2


Holistic practises for your most crucial phase.  

MY FLOW FITNESS will give you the flexibility to create your
 workouts around your own schedule.

You will be able to progress with your workouts 
and be your own Personal Trainer.  

 In the first module we will teach you how to track your cycle,
so you will always know which workout is the most suitable for you.

 You will also join our community of like minded inspiring Women,
who just like you want to take care of their bodies,
create the body they love and start seeing real results by simply doing less.  

Scroll down to explore the full FLOW FITNESS Curriculum and preview some of the lessons  


It is very well tailored around your Menstrual Cycle addressing
different body parts.  Each week provides different workout routines that will not allow you
to get bored at any point.  

Gabriela Rados, London

It is not just a workout program, it is a lifestyle change, always paying attention to your body all the time.   Witness multiple benefits in your daily life, in your work, say bye bye to your old aches and pains.

Laura  Hagger, Ireland

You don’t have to spend hours with it, just stay consistent with it and you will see results
sooner than you expect.  
 Feel the effect of it even after one week's training.  
Feel and look the best.

Dana Small, Ireland

 Celebrating yourself every day for showing up.   It is not just about doing exercise, it is about developing mindfulness around
your body and mind.

Victoria Iungerich, London



Conscious Feminine Mind and Body Coach, Nutritional Therapist specialising in Reproductive Health, Personal Trainer for Women, Creator of Instinctive Soul Dance Pre-Post Natal Fitness,  Intuitive Alchemy Work, Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitator


Holistic Health Coach,
Embodiment and Empowerment Mentor for Women,
 Womb Healing Facilitator, Yoga Teacher


 Our heart's greatest Intention is for you to fall in Love with working out,
without struggle and motivation dips.

 Knowing your cycle and working out with your cycle, is a way of connecting with your body even more and getting to know it on a deeper level.

We want to congratulate you on stepping up and getting started right now.  

We are honoured to be leading you through this journey so that you can amplify your energy, productivity, success and lifestyle.
Your body will Thank youfor this!

Please take a moment to honour this courage and commitment

you've made as it really is an act of power willing to do your best  
for your Body, Mind and Soul.    

Conscious Feminine Mind and Body Coach, Inese Zute    

 Holistic Health Coach, Sara Jager 

Course Pricing

6 month plan

6 payments of


per month

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3 month plan

3 payments of


per month

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Pay in full


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 enrol till 7th of November

 We have prepared a 45 minutes Value packed Workshop   

5 Steps to Fall in Love with your Period


When training in the evening, elevated cortisol levels can make it impossible to fall asleep right after your workout. But these workouts are designed for you not to exhaust yourself and leave you feeling good and yet alert. I would suggest choosing morning hours or afternoon hours if possible. Your metabolism is a lot faster in the AM hours. What does that mean? Towards PM hours it slows down, as the rest of the body is designed to slow down ready for night time.

100%. We need to drop this belief that more sweating equals better workout, especially women who have hormonal imbalance and conditions related to the reproductive system. The only time I would suggest and recommend to sweat is in your peak time when you are ovulating, as sweating helps to excrete that excess oestrogen through the skin.

When doing strength training, you improve insulin sensitivity by over 20%.  Lots of cardio dominated exercises result in a stress response which can cause further hormonal disregulation.  

This workout program is designed to help you restore your thyroid function, and overtraining can raise the cortisol which has a reverse
 effect on your thyroid.

You can always ask any questions in our private community. If you are interested in diving deeper into cyclical living and access the tools that will help you do that, check out the other menstrual cycle related courses as well. And if you would like personal attention and guidance with creating your path back to balance, you can sign up for 1-1 sessions with Inese or Sara.

We are confident in the quality of our products/services and want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. If you are not completely happy with your purchase, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee from the date of purchase.

In our experience, there is always an option if you are willing to find one! But we understand that sometimes you can find yourself in a situation where you already exhausted all the options and you would really need some support. If you have a pure intention and feel that this course is your answer, get in touch to ask if we have any scholarships available. 

Please send any questions to

Course Curriculum

Back To Balance Academy

At Back to Balance Academy our Mission is to empower women all around the world to go from Pain to Power 

with Cycle Alchemy, so that they can experience a magical Month without PAIN and become Cycle AlcheMisses 

- reclaiming their innate body wisdom, enjoying vibrant health, thriving in their own natural rhythm 

and creating an impact for future generations