Yoni Steaming Made Simple

Sacred Self-Care for Menstrual Cycle Regulation

Discover the Art of Sacred Self-Care for Menstrual Cycle Regulation &
Transform your well-being with Yoni Steaming and harness the power of herbs,
Holistic Healing and Self-Love 

Benefits of Yoni Steaming 

- Reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation
 - Encourages circulation and moves stagnation, decreases heavy flow 
- Soothes scar tissue and clear out old fluids for healthy cycles 
- Promotes healing of vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar 
- Restores bacterial and ph balance and prevents infections and vaginosis
- Provides healing post miscarriage or abortion 
- Eases discomfort caused by uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts
- Helps by uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis 
- Offers relief for symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain 
- Assists with healing of hemorrhoids
- Heals and tones the tissues of the vagina and uterus, increases libido
- Promotes relaxation, self love and emotional healing, supports fertility  

Yoni Steaming is an ancient practice that uses natural herbal blends for cleansing and
 rejuvenation of the Womb and has vast benefits for women’s health

In this course you will find:
- What is Yoni Steaming
- Benefits
- Herbs Properties & Blends
- Precautions and Contraindications  

- Comprehensive step by step guide for
setting up a safe relaxing space &
preparing for a yoni steam in the comfort of your home  


 May this course bring you back to the natural rhythm of your cycle.
 May it allow you to get to know yourself deeply, your body, your true nature as a woman.  

May it enable you to find peace in your body, so that you can enjoy every day of your cycle and build a connection with your body,

which supports you in creating the life you desire for yourself.  
May we together build a new reality for future generations, where Cyclical Wisdom is available to every woman

Course Pricing

Yoni Steaming


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You don't need to purchase any special equipment for yoni steaming. The only thing you will have to buy is some herbs of your choice that you will use for the steam. 

You can access all the course materials - videos, audios and PDFs on the course platform, where you will be directed after the purchase for immediate access  

You can always ask any questions in our private Facebook group. If you would like more support, you can sign up for 1-1 sessions with Inese or Sara.  

We are confident in the quality of our products/services and want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. If you are not completely happy with your purchase, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee from the date of purchase. 

Please send any questions to info@backtobalanceacademy.com


Course Curriculum

Back To Balance Academy

At Back to Balance Academy our Mission is to empower women all around the world to go from Pain to Power 

with Cycle Alchemy, so that they can experience a magical Month without PAIN and become Cycle AlcheMisses 

- reclaiming their innate body wisdom, enjoying vibrant health, thriving in their own natural rhythm 

and creating an impact for future generations